
Sunday, 9 November 2014

Let’s forget and Lest we forget

„Those who adhere to the past won't be able to cope with the future“ - Willy Brandt, 1971

Today is the 9th of November 2014, the day on which 25 years ago the Berlin Wall came down.

Today is the 9th of November 2014, the day Britain is building a wall between itself and Europe more than ever.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

„We won’t mention the War“ - You already did

Holy Guacamole! It’s already four months since I left Germany and moved to Britain. During my adjustment and settle-in time, I was shaken up on a regular basis by questions lovely English people asked me. It’s a pretty sad list. But at least they are interested, right?

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

I'm too young for Worthing

I couldn't be happier not to live in Worthing. Or as someone told me "People move to Worthing to die". 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

pre and post Brighton Pride brainwaves

What a Pride this was! My little Kiez turned into little Kreuzberg with people dancing to techno on the streets and beer was sold in front of off licenses. Just a few more gimps on the street, but all in all a new Brighton-Berlin similarity that I can tell of when people ask me why I moved from Berlin to Brighton (people will never stop asking). 

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Bound 2 or the Internet of things

I looked for some things on the tinternet for you. A pure description of narcisstic Western society feat. Kanye West (no narcissism without Kanye!). This is us in a week's nutshell:

Monday's madness: Yep. I got it. Did you?

Sunday, 29 June 2014

It’s the Wohnungsnotstand, stupid

This is the odyssey about how we ended up paying quadruple rent.
First of all, we couldn’t get rid of our flat in Berlin. 
We decided to move to Britain. As I got a job that started in the beginning of June, we had to cancel the rental contract. There’s a three-month cancellation period before we could get out of it. But we had to move in two months, that’s why we had to search for someone new ourselves who would be ok with paying 30% higher rent (Wohnungsnotstand*, stupid!), take our white goods and move in in June.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Thursday, 20 February 2014

My encounter with Ukrainian police cadets and Lenin statues

I’m sitting here, two different live streams open. Watching the twitter feed and clicking on live blogs. I’m thinking about Ukraine and recalling my experiences with people there. My mind recalls especially one specific encounter. 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Hats off Ellen, bye bye Friedrich!

Holy Macaroni, what a week this was!

Here are my favourite bits from the interwebs. My week and maybe a tiny weeny bit of your week in a nutshell. A special message from me to one person who had to leave the public interest: Don't be sad Hans-Peter, a multi-national company will hire you. And Seehofer will take care of you in your warm CSU nest. Ok, enough said. Here we go:

Monday, 27 January 2014

How to do a German accent

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„You may want to do this because you’re in a play or want to impress your friends“ 

Yes, these are convincing reasons to do a German accent whilst speaking English. I, for example, do that all the time. But I have to work on that because people keep on asking me where I come from when I’m speaking English.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Thinking of moving to another country? Move to another planet!

In an earlier post I whinged about my constant thoughts of moving away from Berlin. Away means for me to another country. But what did I dare to whinge! There are 200.000 people who want to leave mother earth. Forever. And ever ever.